Immigration New Zealand (eMedical)
Our doctors provide medical examinations for applications for NZ Residency, Work Permits, Visitor and Student Visas.
At Remuera Doctors we perform the medical examination. We refer you to Labtests for blood tests and Auckland Radiology for x-rays, if required.
Locations for Labtests and Auckland Radiology can be found on this map.
How long does the medical examination take?
Please allow up to 2 hours to complete your medical examination, blood tests and chest x-ray (if required). A longer time is required for couples, families or groups.
Do I need to make an appointment?
Yes. Bookings are available Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 2pm. Please phone reception 09 524 6504 for an appointment.
How long does it take to submit my Health Case to eMedical?
We process your Health Case as quickly as possible. It may take up to 5 days, depending on your results.
What do I need to bring to the appointment?
Bring your passport, a copy of your current visa (if it is not inside your passport), eye correction, and the names of medications you are currently taking. If you have any history of diabetes, hypertension, heart conditions, neurological conditions, cancer or other significant history, you will need to bring the related medical reports from your Doctor or treating physician.
What is the blood test for?
The blood tests include a blood count, kidney function markers, and tests for diabetes, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B & C.
Do I need to fast before the medical examination or blood tests?
No. We recommend keeping well hydrated on the day of your appointment.
I don’t have a passport. Can I still come to my appointment?
If you do not have a passport, you must bring a Certificate of Identity or Refugee Travel Document. If you cannot provide any of these documents to confirm your identity, please contact Immigration New Zealand for advice.
I have a photocopy of my passport – is this ok?
Unfortunately we cannot accept a photocopy or verified copy of your passport. The original passport must be presented.
I have an expired passport – will this be ok?
No, your passport or travel document must be current.
I’m unwell at the moment – can I still do my medical?
No.Please reschedule your appointment for a time when you are well.
I will have my period on the day of my medical. Is this ok?
We advise you to attend at a time when you do not have your period. A urine sample is taken on the day and must be clear of blood; otherwise, you will have to visit again to perform the urine test.
Do you offer interpretation services?
No, you must arrange for an interpreter or friend to be present during the examination if you are not fluent with written or spoken English. Please do not bring your spouse, partner, family member, employer, immigration agent or lawyer, etc. or use any electronic device to interpret. Any costs of interpretation services must be met by the applicant.
Where can I park my car?
There is free customer parking for 2 hours on the roof of our building. Drive to the corner of Remuera and Garden Roads to access the ramp. Walk down the stairs and Remuera Doctors is immediately to your right.
Do I require a General Medical Certificate or Limited Medical Certificate?
Please check with Immigration New Zealand which type of medical you require.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (eMedical)
Our doctors are IRCC panel physicians. All of the FAQs for Immigration NZ apply to IRCC applicants as well (aside from fees – see below). However, the blood test is only for syphilis, HIV and serum creatinine.
You need to bring to your appointment:
Current Passport and NZ visa document (for non-NZ Citizens)
If worn, glasses, contact lenses or any type of eye correction
Medical reports and/or prescribed medications
If available, a Medical Report (Client Biodata and Summary) IMM1017E. Upfront applicants don’t need to bring this form.
The medical exam has three components:
A physical examination
Chest x-ray (not required for applicants younger than 11 yrs)
Non-fasting blood test (not required for applicants younger than 15 yrs)
Please allow 2 hours for the physical examination, chest x-ray and blood test.
Fees (Last reviewed 1st Jul 2022):
Medical Exam $210
Chest x-ray (11 yrs & over) $150
Non-fasting blood test (15 yrs & over) $80
Digital Photograph for eMedical $25
Total: $465
Immigration New Zealand Medical Examination Fees
Last reviewed 1 July 2022
All prices include GST
General Medical Certificate
Medical Certificate $130
Non-fasting blood test $155
Chest x-ray $150
Digital photo $25
Chest X-ray only
Referral $150
Chest x-ray $150
Digital photo $25
Limited Medical Certificate
Medical Examination $130
Non-fasting blood test $60
Chest x-ray $150
Digital photo $25